Time 4 Your Future (T4YF) originated from a collaboration between five organisations, introducing a transformative initiative that invites young individuals to actively contribute to their community while embarking on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Through engaging in volunteer work, participants gain valuable experience, expand their networks, and receive training and coaching. What sets T4YF apart is its innovative blend of engaging youth pursuing vocational training and those transitioning between school and work. This unique combination creates a positive peer-to-peer environment that fosters the discovery of new talents and aspirations among young people.
Frequently asked questions
Human Security Collective, Delft voor Elkaar, ROC Mondriaan, Plans & Pixels, and Participe. This project is part of a Dutch government programme, ‘Maatschappelijke Dienstijd’ (Social Service Period), and is powered by ZonMw.
HSC plays a multifaceted role in T4YF, extending beyond its collaborative efforts. In addition to its involvement in designing and implementing a Train-the-Trainer module, HSC also leads an Action Research trajectory within the T4YF framework. This trajectory involves students conducting practical studies on pertinent human rights and human security matters within the city of The Hague. By integrating this dimension, HSC further enriches T4YF's impact, fostering an environment where young participants not only develop personally but also engage with critical societal issues.