Financial Access for US Nonprofits
2017 - The Charity & Security Network report is the first ever empirical study on the de-risking phenomenon as it relates to nonprofits in the US. Financial access difficulties faced by nonprofits.
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Tightening the Purse Strings
2017 - What Countering Terrorism Financing Costs Gender Equality and Security, report by the International Human Rights Clinic at Duke & Women Peacemakers Program.
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World Bank/ ACAMS: Stakeholder Dialogue De-Risking
2017 - The World Bank and ACAMS held a second roundtable to help promote the access of humanitarian organizations to financial services
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Why HSBC closed down some Muslim bank accounts
2015 - A BBC Radio 4 programme by Peter Oborne and Anna Meisel reveals how the decision was made in 2014 by international banking giant HSBC to suddenly close the bank accounts of several prominent British Muslims.
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A Community-Policing Approach to CVE (OSCE)
2014 - Preventing Terrorism and Countering Violent Extremism and Radicalization that Lead to Terrorism: A Community-Policing Approach - an OSCE guidebook with input by HSC
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Uncharitable Behaviour
2014 - Tom Keatinge examines the impact of counter-terrorist regulation on charity banking worldwide - a report for Demos.
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Counterterrorism: 'Policy Laundering’ and the FATF
2012 - A report by Ben Hayes (Transnational Institute/Statewatch) on the legalising of surveillance and the regulation of civil society in light of the global counter-terrorism framework.
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