

Dutch Banking Association Publishes NPO Sector Standard Aimed at Curbing De-risking

The Dutch Banking Association has taken an important step towards the application of Risk Based Standards for banks’ customers. 

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FoRB Philippines: Training of Trainers

Thirty young leaders from diverse backgrounds came together for our Inclusive Youth Leadership program to hone their skills as trainers and facilitators.

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Round Table: Polarization in Dutch Society

A round table event was held to discuss polarization in Dutch society. Members and leaders of religious communities, officials, and researchers gathered to discuss effective policies based on participatory action research conducted by HSC in the PARTICIPATION programme.


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Dutch Roundtable on Financial Access for NPOs

Learn more about the Dutch Roundtable on Financial Access for NPOs and its efforts to promote financial inclusion for NPOs.


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FoRB Cameroon: Closing Ceremony

30 young leaders in Far North Cameroon honored for their community service through the Inclusive Leadership Programme organized by Dynamique Mondiale des Jeunes (DMJ) and Human Security Collective (HSC) within the Freedom of Religion and Belief (FoRB) project.

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Human Rights Space Experience

Come visit on 23 February the Human Rights Space home of the three human rights organisations- Justice & Peace, Netherlands Helsinki Committee and Human Security Collective.

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Participatory Action Research in Al-Baqaa, Jordan

In Jordan, the participatory action research is being conducted in Al-Baqaa. Learn about the difficulties faced by the residents of Al-Baqaa and the efforts being made by actors to tackle the human security concerns in the community.

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Article: Civic Space and the Challenges it Faces

In this article, Poonam Joshi lays out the strategies used in the 'security playbook' to restrict civil society and highlights the beginning of the movement which is pushing back.

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Participatory Action Research in Tunisia

In Tunisia, the participatory action research takes place in two communities; Saida neighbourhood and Oueslatia. Learn more about these two communities and the actors involved in the research.

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Article: Security through the Eyes of the Algorithm: A Short Reflection on Risk and Suspicion in the Fight against Terrorism Financing

Read Tasniem Anwar's reflection piece on algorithmic decision-making in security practices and its impact on human security.

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