Time 4 Your Future Hub


We are happy to announce that, as of 1st of August 2021, Human Security Collective has become a Time 4 Your Future hub. This means that young people who are part of the Time 4 Your Future programme can volunteer at HSC, and work on human security, human rights, development and peacebuilding.

Within our Inclusive leadership programme, and as a longstanding partner within the Time 4 Your Future programme, we train young people on conflict transformation, nonviolent communication, listening with empathy and providing constructive feedback. Every Tuesday morning we have sessions with the young people enrolled in Time 4 Your Future who advice us on how to reach out to their younger peers. These sessions are co-developed and co-facilitated by those involved. The iterative process helps us re-design our programmes to ensure they stay creative and appeal to young people.

We are also excited to partner with the Haagse Hogeschool and Initiatives of Change as of February 2022 to work with students from the International Public Management, Law & Safety faculty. They will conduct a social mapping exercise on how (young) citizens The Hague experience human rights and what kind of ideas they hold in contributing towards a human rights culture in their neighbourhoods. The students will carry out action research and help design policy based on their research results.

Related project: Time 4 Your Future