Human Security Collective (HSC) is a foundation based in The Hague working on issues of development, security and the involvement of citizens in their communities and societies. We believe that the idea of Human Security with its focus on people, relationships and human rights provides an organizing frame for action.
Based on the elements of trust-creation, local ownership, empowerment and collective action, we facilitate conversation between civil society, policy shapers and other actors to promote alternative approaches to current security practice.
This summer Human Security Collective, together with the human rights organizations Justice & Peace, Stichting Our Bodies Our Voice, and Human Rights in the Picture, is organizing the Move 4 Human Rights Summer Edition.
Read moreHuman Security Collective participated in a panel during the No Money for Terror Ministerial Conference on Counter-Terrorism Financing convened in Munich.
Read moreOver 45 students from The Hague University of Applied Sciences and Hogeschool Leiden, recently concluded their participation in the Move 4 Human Rights program.
Read moreIn collaboration with Stichting Spark and Sparda Organisation, and with support from the Government of the Netherlands, Human Security Collective hosted a Masterclass on Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism in Erbil, from January 19 to January 21, 2025.
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